In 1940, Disney released their animated music video "Fantasia" which is a series of classical music that has been illustrated into a film. Warner Bros then copied Disney and created "Merry Melodies" which was also an animated film to music.
In the 1960's "Scopticone Jukeboxes" were created. These jukeboxes had a small screen that, when money was inserted , played a music video of the users choice. These originated in France and were expensive at the time.
In 1964, the Beatles released the music video "A Hard Days Night" that was the first ever music video to be created into a short film. In 1967, The Beatles released the song "Strawberry Fields" that used reversed film techniques and was part of the psychedelic period as the video was illustrated in an artful manor.
In the 1970's, the first "Official" music video was released by Queen called "Bohemian Rhapsody" and this video is considered the bands most popular music video of all time.
In 1983 Michael Jackson released his music video "Thriller" which was the first ever short film music video, directed by John Landis. This is the most successful of MJ's video's and is also one of the most popular videos ever released.
In 1985 a band called "Dire Straits" released a song called "Money for Nothing" which was the first "Song" that had been animated into a proper music video. In 1986, Peter Gabriel released "Sledgehammer" in which the music video was animated by Aardman which was the first video to be animated in this way.
In 1987 Duran Duran released "Wild Boys" and this music video cost the most expensive of it's time to make, costing £4 million.
In 1992 MTV started to put the music video directors names in the credits, and this then became the directors medium. In 1995, Romanek direction MJ's video for scream, which cost £7 million to make. Romanek made 2 of the most expensive music video's of the times.
In 2001 a website called Napster was released. This website let the public share and watch music video's online for free, but soon got outdone when YouTube was released in 2005. When YouTube was released, a band called OK GO released a music video for their song "Here It Goes Again" in 2006 which got the band it's fame and recognition.
In 2007 the RIAA prevented single users to share music video's online and after they merged with Google, an agreement with loyalties was formed. Also in 2007 MTV started to provide streams for artists and the Itunes store was created by Apple INC which sold music online both for money and for free.
In 2010 VEVO was created. They have their own website and many channels on YouTube which started internet advertising of music video's for a range of singers and bands.
In 2012 the top 3 music video's were:
#3 - Cheryl Cole - Call my Name
#2 - Gotye - Somebody that I used to know
#1 - Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe
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